Uplifting families experiencing hardship by rallying help and hope

Support a fundraiser or start a new one.
Donations boosted up to $5,000 per eligible fundraiser.

Featured Fundraiser
Randy Smith Fundraiser
Join us in supporting Randy Smith in his battle against thyroid cancer. If you cannot make it consider donating an auction item or supporting his online Lend A Hand Up Fundraiser. The event is on October 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, chips, and salad for a free-will offering. There will be a bake sale and silent auction!


Gifts may be directed to benefit a specific individual/family fund or to the program itself to boost help for many families.

How-to Guide

The Lend A Hand Up program partners with friends and volunteers who step forward to help a neighbor in need! Lend A Hand Up resources include a fundraising toolkit, an online giving site, and boost funds to maximize your generosity.

"It is truly a gift to the entire community to have this organization assist so many families in need."

Diane Hersch Krile