Brian Dankert Fundraiser
When you give online to this fundraiser, your gift goes directly to the family, and Lend A Hand Up provides a 20% financial boost to increase your giving value. The Lend A Hand Up boost applies solely to online gifts processed through this giving site. Should you wish to make a gift by cash or check, your generosity should be directed to the family or their fund at Bank Forward, as Lend A Hand Up does not process cash or check gifts for families.
a:3:{s:4:"date";s:0:"";s:5:"title";s:37:"Post op appointment and surgery again";s:7:"details";s:902:"Brian had his first post op appointment on Aug 16th. His foot was unwrapped and was looking really good. Everything was clean and healing well. Upon inspection of the external stabilizer, it was discovered to have a bent pin going from the stabilizer to the bone of the lower leg, not a good thing. The pins re what hold the bones in place while they heal. This needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Aug 19th was the day. During surgery, the pin was replaced and the stabilizer was adjusted. His foot was cleaned well and the 40 plus staples were removed. His foot was rewrapped and Brian was able to go home 4 hours after surgery was started. The surgery was a set back for him, though a minor one it still makes a difference. Brian still has no income for his rent, car payment or other living expenses. He could really use the communities help with funds achieve this. Thank you! ";}
Post op appointment and surgery again
Brian had his first post op appointment on Aug 16th. His foot was unwrapped and was looking really good. Everything was clean and healing well.
Upon inspection of the external stabilizer, it was discovered to have a bent pin going from the stabilizer to the bone of the lower leg, not a good thing. The pins re what hold the bones in place while they heal. This needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Aug 19th was the day.
During surgery, the pin was replaced and the stabilizer was adjusted. His foot was cleaned well and the 40 plus staples were removed. His foot was rewrapped and Brian was able to go home 4 hours
after surgery was started.
The surgery was a set back for him, though a minor one it still makes a difference.
Brian still has no income for his rent, car payment or other living expenses.
He could really use the communities help with funds achieve this.
Thank you!
Brian dankert –
We are still a long ways away from our goal a big thank you to those of you who have donated it is greatly appreciated let’s keep it going 😊 thanks again I still have a long recovery ahead of me another surgery on the 16th this will be number 3on my foot
Brian –
A huge thank you to those who have donated so far it is greatly appreciated we have a long ways t go so please share my story thanks again
Brian dankert –
We are still a long ways away from our goal a big thank you to those of you who have donated it is greatly appreciated let’s keep it going 😊 thanks again I still have a long recovery ahead of me another surgery on the 16th this will be number 3on my foot
Brian –
A huge thank you to those who have donated so far it is greatly appreciated we have a long ways t go so please share my story thanks again